Fernandez Nursery School has been an active part of the school since April 1997.
Along with the Reception classes we form the Early Years Foundation Stage of the school.
The Nursery provides the children with a gradual transition into school where
they can become familiar with routines of the school life and expected ways of working and behaving.
The Nursery is staffed by one teacher and two full-time assistants who have the necessary expertise and
experience to ensure that the curriculum offered to each child prepares them for their next steps in education.
The Nursery has direct access to a safely fenced outdoor area with extensive grassed and hard play surfaces.
We have a wide range of equipment which allows the children to develop and explore all seven areas of the EYFS.
We regularly use our woodland area to deliver a Forest Schools approach to enhance learning and creativity.
The Nursery School is committed to ensuring the highest quality of provision. In order
to achieve this, the Headteacher, staff and governors work together to develop robust systems for self evaluation.
Through working in a reflective and analytical way we are able to complete an accurate self evaluation form,
which is moderated by Ofsted. Our systems of self evaluation enable us to develop and implement an effective school
improvement plan. Our practice is underpinned by our aims and principles, and is also guided by a wide range of policies
and procedures which are reviewed on a regular basis. We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of
children and young people and expect all staff to share this commitment. At Lydalls Nursery School we work in partnership
with parents and carers. We have a duty to share information with other agencies where there may be safeguarding concerns.
We will seek consent to share information with other agencies and make referrals to other agencies, including social care,
with parents knowledge unless by doing so this puts a child at risk.